Advocacy After Retirement
If you retire and stop working for the State of Wyoming or the Laramie County School District #1, we don't stop working for you. As a retired member, you can keep many of your benefits including the insurance benefits we offer. Our retired members continue to contribute guidance to the organization and are represented directly on our board of directors. While lobbying makes up most of our Legislative Action, our membership votes on resolutions to guide our actions on legislation. But even more importantly, we continue to work with groups like the AARP in coalitions to benefit our retired members. We cooperate with other like-minded organizations to organize townhalls on topics like state pensions and benefits that are important to those still working and those that have already retired. A healthy pension system and cost of living increases are critical to our retirees and our state.
For example, The Wyoming Coalition for a Healthy Retirement System believes that all workers deserve to retire with dignity. We work to preserve and protect the financial security of all retirees in the Wyoming Retirement System (WRS). Public employees in Wyoming put aside a piece of every paycheck to fund the WRS. WPEA has contributed to produce a short, two-minute, video on the Wyoming Retirement System. The Wyoming map below shows what public retirees contribute annually to local economies, which shows how important their earnings are in supporting local economies.
Please don't let your membership drop when you retire, because we think you'll want and need the WPEA even more. Call to hear about our special retiree dues to keep us working for you.

The Wyoming Coalition for a Healthy Retirement System
The Wyoming Coalition for a Healthy Retirement System believes that all workers deserve to retire with dignity.
We work to preserve and protect the financial security of all retirees in the Wyoming Retirement System (WRS). Public employees in Wyoming put aside a piece of every paycheck to fund the WRS.
No politician or Wall Street interest should take away the hard-earned retirement security of these public servants.

The average service at retirement is 19.7 years, and about 19% of all retirees
are career employees with 30 or more years of public service.
In 2022, WRS paid nearly $750 million in regularbenefits and another $30 million in refunds and death benefits.
About 79% of WRS payments remain in Wyoming and are recycled back in our economy helping to stimulate and stabilize both the state and local economies.
One important aspect of a pension is that retirement payments are paid for life, ensuring the retiree will a have a degree of financial security, even in the event of a long life span.